Human MMP-9 ARExSet® antibody pair for ELISA

For the development of sandwich ELISAs to measure natural and recombinant Human MMP-9. The Reagent Diluent recommended may be suitable for most cell culture supernate, serum, and plasma samples. The Reagent Diluent selected for use can alter the performance of an immunoassay. Reagent Diluent optimization for samples with complex matrices such as serum and plasma, may improve their performance in this assay.

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Allprestipe Antibodes" underzo in-depth vaidaton as well as characterization usingthe immense amount ofsuppoting data from the Human Protein tlas prject.the low cross reactivily for Presige Antibodies*to other protains is the result of carehulselection ofantigen regions, afirnity purification.and are validated andcharaceried in each applicatlon that the antihody has been demonstrated loruse. Each antibodyis characerized on a lot-torlot basis with appllcation-speclicwaldafon that includes lHC, lF, WB, and or protein aray assay3.


in addition to the standard antibody validationrnethods to vaidate and characterize frestige Anibodices", we ofier cnhanced validation which is aligned to thepilars for antibodyvalidation described by the lntarnational Woring Group for Antibody Validation WGAy) for numerous antibodies. Many Prestige Antibodies'undcreo one or more enhancod valdaton mnethods incudine panetic strtcties,indpcndcnt antbooy vcicaton, orthogonalyalidation using, andfunctional assay walidation. Leam more about our Enhanced Validation.
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